Apr 23, 20151 min read
New Schedule?!
Well, it's been awhile since I've blogged, but here we go... Lots of stuff coming up for the summer! Â Don't forget summer camp is on for...
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May 15, 20142 min read
Warm enough for ya?
Well, the weather's heating up, and you know what that means: Â school's coming to an end, BOOM! is gonna have some choices to make in...
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Mar 25, 20141 min read
Spring is Spring-ing!
Well, March is coming to a close, and, as always, there's a lot of exciting stuff happening here at BOOM! First off, belt testing and...
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Feb 13, 20142 min read
Winter is...Ending. 2014 Stuff's a-Comin'
Kids/Teens DESICION MAKING Homework Well, considering it was 15 degrees a week ago, the weather's not so bad now.... Â With the calendar...
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Nov 14, 20132 min read
Winter Events at BOOM!
The holidays are fast approaching, and there are a lot of exciting things happening at BOOM! Don't miss out on Pirate's Night Out on...
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Oct 24, 20132 min read
Schedule Change for November
Well, snap, October's almost gone. Â A lot of you guys have come pretty far in the one month since you belt tested. Â Most impressive!...
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Sep 23, 20131 min read
Fall's A-Comin
As the sunshine fades and the rain returns, cheer up! Â There's some great stuff in store at BOOM! during the rainy months ahead! First...
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Aug 16, 20131 min read
End of Summer Wrap Up / Citizenship homework
As summer winds down, and school starts back up (don't think about it, kids!), we've got some pretty cool stuff going down at BOOM! Â Our...
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Aug 6, 20131 min read
TEAMWORK Homework, end of summer stuff
Well, it's hard to believe, but summer's about ready to wrap up.... Â The back-to-school sales are starting, but at least the weather is...
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Jun 17, 20132 min read
June Homework, Summer Stuff
There's a lot of stuff coming up in the next couple of months at BOOM!, be sure not to miss out on all the summer BOOM-ness! First off,...
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May 30, 20131 min read
May Homework and stuff
It's getting close to that time again already.... Belt testing and graduation is coming up at the end of June! Â Intent to Test forms will...
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Apr 25, 20131 min read
April Homework, May Stuff
Kids COURTESY Homework.docx Well, the weather's heating up, and summer is right around the corner! Â BOOM! has got some exciting stuff...
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Mar 21, 20131 min read
Hey, BOOM! Â just started posting all the homeworks on the website. Â For this quarter, that includes the homework for MODESTY,...
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Sep 5, 20121 min read
Bellingham G.O. & Belt Testing
It's about that time again! Â Belt testing will be held on Friday, September 28th @ 5:30 for KIDS AND TEENS ONLY!! LI'l Dragons will belt...
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Aug 24, 20122 min read
Bellingham BOOM
Well, now it's official!! Got the place, wrote the checks, got the keys, and the mats and gear (and mirrors!) are on their way!...
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Aug 2, 20121 min read
Moving Forward...
Hello everyone As I'm sure you've heard by now, Mr Rice is longer with BOOM! Â I wish him and Mr Schultsmeier all the best as they...
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Jun 19, 20121 min read
June Belt Testing
BOOM In the interest of not using the Sudden Valley facilities longer than we're supposed to, we're gonna make a few changes for belt...
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Apr 23, 20121 min read
Getting warmer...
Well, I guess mid-60's is warm for Sudden Valley. Â So, BOOM!'s coming to Bellingham soon, and we'll be seen in town a bit more-don't...
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Mar 31, 20122 min read
Early April Stuff
As Spring starts to poke its head out (a little), we've got a lot of exciting things coming up as the weather warms! First off, Spring...
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Feb 4, 20122 min read
Tutorial Videos
First of all, big ups to all of those who survived TIP Testing in January. Â And when I say survived, I mean it! Â It was tough training,...
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Jan 6, 20122 min read
Welcome 2012
Hello, everybody, and welcome to 2012!! Â For the new year, we've got some, let's say "exciting announcements"! Â First off, for the Kids...
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Dec 14, 20111 min read
Advanced Nunchuck Form breakdown
Here it is, in Mr Rice's own words, the Advanced Chuck Form! Â Word (Intro) Bow left foot steps out with left downward punch, right...
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Dec 9, 20111 min read
Beginning Nunchuck Form
Hey All As Belt Testing approaches, thought you might like a little nunchuck study guide. Â Broken down step-by-step; here's the beginning...
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Nov 19, 20111 min read
BOOM Shakka-lakka
Just wanted to give a sincere thanks to everyone who has made BOOM! so successful over the past few months! Â It's been amazing to see the...
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Oct 17, 20111 min read
Updated October/November
Just wanted to let everybody know that BOOM! is gonna be at the Sudden Valley Halloween Carnival! Â Come by and say hi! Â Students, you can...
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Aug 25, 20111 min read
Update on Schedule Change / Belt Testing
Hey everybody! Â School's right around the corner, and yet I'm still waiting for summer to get here.... Anyway, the Intent to Test Notices...
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Aug 5, 20111 min read
August stuff
Hey everyone, August is gonna be a blast! Glad summer is finally here! Come down to Bloedel-Donovan Park in Bellingham on Saturday,...
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Aug 5, 20111 min read
Camp BOOM! wrap-up; Confidence
Big thanks to everyone who took part in Camp BOOM! Congratulations to the following BOOMCampers for "surviving" two weeks of Camp BOOM!...
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Jun 14, 20112 min read
Camp BOOM!
Hey everybody! This summer, BOOM! is going to be hosting it's first ever summer camp event! July 18-29, Camp BOOM! will be achieving...
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Jun 14, 20111 min read
Buddy Week/Stranger Safety
The week of June 27th (that's the week after Graduation), BOOM! is going to be hosting a special week of classes for everybody! BOOM!...
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Apr 15, 20111 min read
Friday Classes
Hey Guys! Â Get your equipment soon! Â We want to start that Friday Freestyle Class at 6.30pm in May, but you gotta have your sparring gear...
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Mar 29, 20111 min read
April Stuff
Alright, everybody! First day of BOOM! Thanks to everyone who was there! Sorry we forgot to give you your t-shirts, but you'll get 'em...
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Mar 22, 20111 min read
Grand Opening!
we're having another open house-type event again this Saturday (March 26th), 1:30 pm at the Adult Center! Classes start next Monday,...
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Mar 17, 20111 min read
Please join us this Saturday, March 19th from 11am-2pm for our Grand Opening! We'll have some crazy demos, FREE classes for the...
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Mar 17, 20111 min read
Welcome to the BOOMBlog! also, 2011 calendar
Welcome to the BOOMBlog! Here you'll find updates about events happening at BOOM! Elite Marital Arts for Sudden Vally, any announcements...
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