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New Schedule?!


Well, it's been awhile since I've blogged, but here we go...

Lots of stuff coming up for the summer!  Don't forget summer camp is on for the last 2 weeks in July (the 20th-31st)!  Anyone who attends BOTH weeks of summer camp will be able to test for a new belt on Friday, July 31st (some exceptions may apply for some of the more advanced belts, but 2 weeks of straight training will get you a whole heckuva lot closer to testing!)

Also, Parent's Night Out is coming up soon:  this Saturday, April 25th from 6:30-11pm here at BOOM! Just $30 for the whole night, and that includes pizza, a movie, and some spectacular ninja turtle training!  Don't miss out!

Yes, finally, what you're all really here for:  click on the PDF below for a copy of the new schedule - or, at least, the latest draft.  This way, I can have a class for beginners AND advanced kids everyday - except Mondays and Saturdays.  For the purposes of class sizes, the Beginning class is for white belts, yellow belts, and beginning orange belts.  The Advanced class is everyone else!  Please give me some feedback on this, and we should be able to implement it in the next few weeks!  Yee-haw!

Thanks, everyone, hopefully this keeps as many people happy as possible!  Also, until further notice, all classes will still meet at the old times!  

Mr Moench

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