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Winter is...Ending. 2014 Stuff's a-Comin'


Kids/Teens DESICION MAKING Homework Well, considering it was 15 degrees a week ago, the weather's not so bad now....  With the calendar turning over to 2014, it's time to start planning out the year.  Yay!

First off, coming up on Monday February 17th BOOM! is gonna be hosting a President's Day Camp.  That day we'll be having a ton of fun playing awesome karate games!  War Ball, Knights v Gladiators, Defeat the Evil Warlord, and much, much more!  The Camp runs from 9am to 4pm at the Bellingham BOOM!, and is only $50 for the whole day!  Note:  on this day ONLY, all classes will meet at the Bellingham BOOM! instead of Sudden Valley.  Don't worry, though.  Classes are back in the Valley on Wednesday the 19th!

Also, BOOM! will be closed on Saturday, February 22nd - Mr Moench is headed down to Port Orchard for training with his instructor, Mr Graves.  Also, on Friday the 21st there will be NO Teens or Adult Kenpo classes that night!

Belt Testing for Spring will be the last Saturday in March, the 29th.  We'll start things off with the Li'l Dragons belt graduation ceremony at 2:00 at the Bellingham BOOM! (Li'l Dragons will belt test in class that week).  Anyone testing for Yellow Belt through Advanced Purple Belt will test at 3:00, Beginning Blue through Advanced Green at 5:00, and Beginning Brown and above at 7:00!  Intent to Test forms will be handed out in class the first week in March, and must be filled out by the parents and teachers, and returned to BOOM! with the $10 belt fee before the test!

Also, during Spring Break (March 31st - April 4th) BOOM! will be holding our annual Spring Break Camp!  The camp will meet at the Bellingham BOOM! from 9am to 4pm every day (during this week all classes will meet at the Bellingham BOOM!)  Once again, this camp will be SPAR WARS:  Episode 2:  Attack of the Kicks!  We'll be focusing on kicks and kick combos for sparring!  We'll be holding tournaments every day, culminating in the Grand Championship Tourney on Friday, April 4th!  Trophies and prizes are on the line!  Don't miss out on this awesome event!

Finally, Summer Camp Dates are out!  July 21st - August 1st Camp BOOM! is on!  Anyone who completes (survives!) both weeks of summer camp will be able to test for their new belt on Friday, August 1st!  

Last, here' s the homework for January (DECISION-MAKING) and February (LEADERSHIP).  Enjoy!

Mr Moench

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