Welcome to the BOOMBlog! Here you'll find updates about events happening at BOOM! Elite Marital Arts for Sudden Vally, any announcements from the newsletter, and pretty much anything of interest relating to BOOM! Check back here often for updates! First off, here's the BOOM! Events Calendar for the REST OF 2011! April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 To view these calendars, you've gotta have Microsoft Word. Sorry Mac users, I feel your pain.... Check back here for updates to the calendar! As we add events, camps, etc., we'll post those updates on the blog, as well as in-class handouts. Also, feel free to post any comments or suggestions as to how we may improve the blog or the site. Tried to keep it pretty simple and user-friendly, but I'm definitely no blogger, and I haven't built a website since the late 90's, and it's changed since then....
Welcome to the BOOMBlog! also, 2011 calendar
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