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May Homework and stuff


It's getting close to that time again already.... Belt testing and graduation is coming up at the end of June!  Intent to Test forms will go out in class the first week of June.  Students, make sure you've got all your homework handed in, if you need another copy of April or May homework, it's here on the BOOMBlog:

Belt testing will be done IN CLASS for Li'l Dragons, on the week of June 23rd.  Testing for kids and teens will be done on Saturday, June 29th at 5pm in the Sudden Valley Dance Barn.  Graduation will follow at 7:30.  There will be plenty of seating for graduation, so invite anyone who may like to see you take that next step toward black belt!  

As summer gets here (hopefully!) we look forward to getting outside for those few weeks each year we get to do that around here!  Our first summer, BOOM! did a BBQ and squirtgun fight in Sudden Valley.  It was so much fun, we are definitely gonna do it again this year!  On Saturday, July 13th, location to be announced (that keeps the suspense)!  BOOM! will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, and stuff to go on said hot dogs and burgers.  There will be a sign up sheet for side dishes and beverages; we always seem to have waaaaaaaaaay more than we can eat, but that's the challenge, right? RIGHT!?

Mr Moench

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